not always possible to see every play. Plays are incomplete on the page but
they also have a separate and just as important existence there. This
initiative (in its third year) encourages us (and hopefully others) to read
more widely. And, as achieved in 2015, we shall try to choose 26 male
playwrights and 26 female playwrights for our play choices. The plays from the
first half of this year can be seen here.
Week 47: Agatha Christie’s Verdict
Agatha Christie is, allegedly, the
most revived female playwright in history, and I can kind of see why. Her work
is untaxing, often set in the well-to-do cosy surroundings of bygone eras, and
audiences enter safe in the knowledge that, no matter how grisly the murder, all
will be put right by the final curtain. Yet Verdict
is somewhat of an odd fish in these regards. Aside from the cover blurb
covering the entire plot (which I foolishly read beforehand), the play involves
little mystery or intrigue. Less a whodunnit, or even a whydunnit (in the
classic Columbo style), we know the
culprit and their motive from the off. So this left me wondering exactly how to
categorise Verdict…
The story involves an eminent
Professor, Karl Hendryk, who has emigrated to Britain following a run-in with
the government in his homeland (it is never specified where that is). He takes
care of his invalid wife, Anya, with the help of her cousin Lisa, with whom
Karl has been in love with for years, although they have never acted upon their
feelings. Yet Karl is also the object of student, Helen’s, affections, who,
jealous and in the belief that she is freeing Karl from an unhappy marriage,
kills Anya and covers up the murder as a suicidal overdose of pain medication.
What follows is a muddle of false accusations, contradictory behaviour and
disappointing resolutions.
There is a nice bit of suspense in
Act 2 as we await the verdict of a trial, yet this is quickly dissipated with
an anticlimactic revelation that seems very throwaway. The resolution is so
neat (albeit with some unnecessary toing and froing in the build-up) that it
really stretches the suspension of disbelief, a problem I also had with the
stage adaptation of Christie’s And Then
There Were None which bordered on laughable in its ludicrous denouement.
Even more of a problem is the lack of characterisation. The play is filled with
stock characters of a 2D nature – all the familiar tropes are there; the dodgy
working-class cleaner; the cold but beautiful woman; the clumsy but
well-meaning young man – and because of this there is no real attachment to
them, I didn’t care about them. What’s more, often it seems that Christie uses
her characters, not as living, breathing people, but as mouthpieces for
exposition or some sort of vague social commentary (it is hinted that Karl
won’t inform the police of Helen’s crime in the fear that she will hang for it).
The dialogue is flimsy at best, and littered with stilted pleasantries; the
rounds of ‘how do you do’s?’ on every character’s entrance becomes tiresome
I could read into Verdict some essence of thematic
complexity – allusions to assisted suicide and debates over a person’s right to
die with dignity, and the aforementioned questioning of capital punishment –
yet I feel this would be stretching the play too much and imprinting upon it my
own need to analyse everything (a personal fault, I admit). The truth is, Verdict is too flimsy a play to
adequately support such intellectual debates. Therefore, taken at face value,
it is semi-entertaining, in an ironic I-Can’t-Believe-How-Ridiculous-This-Is
way, but if you’re looking for a satisfying Christie mystery thriller, I’d
advise sticking to the novels or tv adaptations of Poirot and Marple.
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