Theatre Royal, Nottingham
Friday 9th March 2012.
‘Intense’ is certainly an apt word to describe Eugene
O’Neill’s most autobiographical play. Set over one long Summer’s day, Long Day’s Journey into Night sees the
disintegration of the Tyrone family –made up of three male alcoholics including
the failed actor father James Tyrone and a mother who became addicted to
morphine after a difficult birth.
After seeing David Suchet in All My Sons, he was the main reason I went to see this play. His
James Tyrone exudes the utmost passion for his wife and the charisma of a
once-great actor. This huge role certainly shows off his versatility as an
actor, especially at moments where he suddenly switches from being inconsiderate
to caring. The audience actually gasped when he lunged at Edmund (Tyrone’s
youngest son) with ‘If you hadn’t been born, she’d never…’ followed by his
swift ashamed retraction.
However, it is Laurie Metcalf’s performance of Mary Tyrone that
you will be leaving the theatre talking about. Glazed eyes, slowly dishevelling
hair, gentle rocking, and the way she falls into rambling monologues
reminiscing on her past complete her subtle performance of a woman who’s given
There is a touch of comedy that comes from James Tyrone’s
attention to saving money, but it only heightens the ultimate tragedy of the
play and what makes it even more painful to watch is that it is based on
O’Neill’s real family life. Furthermore, Lez Brotherston’s low-ceilinged set
adds to the feeling of entrapment of the characters’ lives and to the
entrapment of addiction.
Everything about this production is sublime. Even the way the
curtain fell at the end. For a very naturalistic play, one swift and noisy fall
of the tabs made for an abrupt and theatrical end. Its impact left the audience
aghast, as if they had been cut off from the play.
I met Suchet afterwards and he said that the only role now
that he really wants to play is Willy Loman...
Long Day’s Journey into Night toured and then played at London’s
Apollo Theatre until 18th August.
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